About Baseball Zone

Thanks for coming to my website. I hope you find it useful and it helps your players have fun and learn more about the sport we all love baseball.
Coaching Baseball
I have been coaching for almost 15 years. I started and run a travel baseball organization. I have put on summer camps, mentored other coaches and spent countless hours throwing BP. But I am sure we are very similar. We care about the experience our players have and want their hard work to bring them success. That is why you are on the internet researching practice planning and baseball drills.
Baseball Website
Why have I built this website? Our time is valuable. We are parents, coaches, spouses, sons/daughters, volunteers and also work for a living. I have spent many hours and spent some decent money building the easiest practice planner on the web. You can literally build a practice in minutes or use one of our clipboard ready practice plans. You can pull these plans up on your phone out on the field and use our videos to visualize proper technique or to show a player. You can print it out. You can email it to an assistant coach.
Our Membership
We have two types of memberships for coaches and parents. Our coaches membership gives you the tools to plan practices and work with players. These guides and videos include our practice planner, a guide for troubleshooting the baseball swing, coaching individual positions and proper mechanics.Our parents section includes lots of information on working with your player at home and how to find proper professional instruction.
Baseball Practice Planner
The interactive practice planner lets you plan a practice in just a few clicks, You could literally do it with a sandwich in one hand during a few minutes of your lunch break.
Professional Coaching
An essential skill as a parent and coach is knowing when you need guidance. I have employed excellent coaches who have coached and played at high levels. You will are getting their expertise through our videos and articles and access to the drills they run at here very own practices.
My Team
The photo above is from a few years back but it still sits on my desk to this day. It is a memory from a very fun season where all the practices and hard work came through at the right time of year and we had a lot of success. I started this website to share what I've learned and help you practice smarter. I hope I can help you learn and plan for successful training that leads to days like the one that picture represents. And if you ever run across any of the kids in that picture, you may want to pitch around them. ;)
Questions For Our Coaches
We are on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Google+ and would really enjoy hearing from you. Everyone knows that the only thing coaches like doing better than coaching is talking! Click "Contact Us" in the menu above to send us a message. I'll try to connect you with the right resource if I don't have an answer.
Thanks for giving this website a look and have a great season.
Coach Dan