Offseason Home Workout

Strength, speed, explosiveness, agility and mobility are all traits coaches look for in players. Need some exercises to do at home to get yourself better for next season? Use these helpful videos with tips on getting the greatest benefit from them. Tweet us at @baseball_zone with any questions or suggestions!
One of the hardest exercises for kids to do is a push up. Until you get to the point where you can do a good push up, here are some tips to make them easier.
**Form matters to get the full benefit of the exercise
- Do push ups on your knees. The arm position remains the same, just make sure your body is straight when doing the exercise.
- Do incline push ups. Maybe do them on the 2nd or 3rd stair up a flight of stairs, just make sure when you lower your body, the stair your hands are on comes right to your chest.
Single Leg Squat
Keep head up. Back straight. Do not touch rear knee to ground.
Single Leg Deadlift
Keep back straight. Do not touch ground. Squeeze glutes on the way up.
Prisoner Squats
Keep back straight and upright. Get as deep as possible on squat. Drive through your heels.
Forward Lunges
Big Step. Do not allow your rear knee touch the ground. Do not allow hands to touch legs. Explode back up to starting position in one motion.
Side Lunges
Keep back straight and upright. Get to parallel to the ground with stepping leg.
Reverse Lunges
Big Step. Do not allow your rear knee touch the ground. Explode back up to starting position in one motion.
Push ups
Keep hands under shoulders. Keep elbows in. Touch chin and pelvis to ground at the same time.
T Push ups
Keep hands under shoulders. Keep elbows in. Touch chin and pelvis to ground at the same time. Keep your balance. Raise hand straight up to make a "T" with body.
Scapula Push ups
Keep arms locked out. Retract shoulder blades only.
Keep body straight. Core tight.
Side Plank
Keep body straight. Core tight.
Wrist Bat Swings
Keep arm still and extended. Get full range of motion with the wrist. Go as fast as you can.
Bat Rotations
Keep pressure on bat with non-turning hand. Get full range of motion with the wrist.
Medicine Ball Shot Put
Keep front foot planted. Rock back and forth once before throw. Do not pause before push. Explode through push.
Side to Side With Medicine Ball
Keep feet planted. Do not pause before throw. Keep arms extended.
Overhead Medicine Ball Throws
Med ball overhead throw. Explosively throw ball from split stance. Aim low.
Backwards Medicine Ball Throws
Initiate throw from the ground up. Extend hips. Finish with the arms. Get full extension.
"Warming up" © 2010 mark6mauno, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license: