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Proper Stance

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Your swing can be determined by how you stand in the batters box. First things first, get the proper grip. Make sure the knocking knuckles are close to being lined up. Next, pay attention from the ground up. Start with your feet. Make sure they are a little bit further than shoulder width apart and toes pointing in opposite batters box and feet are in line with the pitcher. Your weight should be between your feet so you feel it on the insides of your feet. Quick check, rock side to side and make sure weight does not go out over either foot. Next, make sure you are in an athletic position. Knees slightly bent, slight bend at the waist. Arms should be flexed and bat at or near the back shoulder with the bat at about a 45 degree angle with the barrel angled back behind your head. We end with the head in an upright position with both eyes on the pitcher. Everything you do in your stance, you can control. Practice it.

Quick Fix Drill

  1. Take your stance in a full length mirror and see how it looks and feels.
  2. Take a picture of your stance and then find a picture of your favorite baseball player in his stance and compare them. Adjust as necessary.


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Kansas City Royals
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Wheaton College